6 steps to start online Business in Estonia

Establishing a company in Estonia can be a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to expand into the European market. With a highly developed economy and a supportive business environment, Estonia is an attractive destination for international companies.

Estonia offers a unique E-Residency program, which allows anyone in the world to start and run a global business from Estonia, while being physically located anywhere. Estonia is known for its technologically advanced infrastructure and innovative e-solutions, making it an attractive destination for tech startups and companies. The country has a highly developed digital governance system, making it easy to start and manage a business online, without the need for physical visits. Estonia has a favorable business environment, with low taxes, ease of doing business, and a stable legal framework.  Estonia is a member of the European Union, providing businesses access to a large single market with over 500 million consumers.  Estonia has a highly skilled and talented tech workforce, making it easier to find the right talent for your company.

Here are some steps for establishing a company in Estonia:

  1. Choose the right business structure: The most common business structures in Estonia are a private limited company (OÜ) and a public limited company (AS). Each structure has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the right one based on your business goals and needs.
  2. Register the company: To register a company in Estonia, you'll need to submit an application to the Commercial Register. You'll also need to choose a name for your company and pay the necessary fees.
  3. Obtain a VAT number: If your company will be conducting business in Estonia, you'll need to obtain a Value-Added Tax (VAT) number. This is required for all businesses that are engaged in taxable activities in Estonia.
  4. Open a bank account: Once your company is registered, you'll need to open a bank account in Estonia. This is necessary for managing your company's finances and making transactions.
  5. Hire employees: If you're planning to hire employees in Estonia, you'll need to comply with local employment laws and regulations. This includes obtaining the necessary work permits and registering with the Estonian Social Insurance Board.
  6. Comply with local regulations: It's important to be aware of and comply with all local regulations, including taxes, labor laws, and environmental regulations.

By following these steps, you can establish a successful and compliant company in Estonia. With its supportive business environment and access to the European market, Estonia is an attractive destination for international companies. It's important to note that the process of establishing a company in Estonia may require the assistance of a local professional. We in AccoSuite ensure a smooth and successful establishment process.