8 Myths of implementing a new business software Debunked

Every business's dream is to use a simple and reliable business management software that helps automate and manage core business processes and supports future growth. Yet, some businesses prefer to stick to "old and known" rather than "new and unexpected" software solutions.

However, despite the numerous benefits of implementing new business software, there are still some common misconceptions about the process. To bring some clarity, let´s review increasingly popular Enteprise Resource Planning (ERP) type of business management software and debunk 8 most common myths surrounding ERP implementation together with Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP solution.

Myth 1: ERP Implementation is Too Expensive

One of the most common myths surrounding ERP implementation is that it is too expensive. While it's true that ERP systems can require a significant investment, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the upfront costs. Improved efficiency, streamlined processes, and increased profitability are just a few of the many benefits that can result from ERP implementation.

The license cost of NetSuite is 100% dependent on the number of users, requirements, add-ons, contract length. Therefore, the price varies from business to business. However, NetSuite automates  business's processes for alignment across departments, thus increasing productivity and ROI in the long term. Businesses of all sizes, even small and medium-sized businesses are perfect candidates for NetSuite ERP. Many businesses do not have the resources to invest in the massive infrastructure that on-premise ERP software solutions require — storage, servers, facilities, security, IT staff, etc. Modern cloud-based ERP solutions don't need any infrastructure to run except, of course, an internet connection and a connected device. The cloud ERP solution significantly reduces initial investment for ERP implementation.

Myth 2: ERP Implementation Takes Too Long

Another common myth is that ERP implementation is a time-consuming process. While it's true that ERP implementation can take several months, the benefits in terms of increased efficiency and improved processes make it a worthwhile investment. ERP solutions encompass many complex front- and back-office systems, from accounting and inventory management to ecommerce and CRM, which need to be integrated to create a seamless experience for end users. Additionally, companies can work with an ERP solution provider to ensure that the implementation process is as streamlined and efficient as possible.

On average, it takes up to 3 months to fully implement NetSuite. This might sound like a long time, but it's much less than the industry average for on-premise ERP implementation, which is about a year and a half. Depending on the requirements of your business, such as the existing software that needs to be integrated, the amount of customisation or development work needed, it could take more or less time.

Additionally, NetSuite implementations include leading practices across workflows, dashboards, KPIs, permissions and other capabilities out of the box. Therefore, provides an advantage of thousands of hours worth of industry leading best practices already built in to the system.

Myth 3: ERP Implementation is Complex

ERP implementation can certainly be complex, but companies can work with experienced ERP solution provider to ensure that the process is as simple and straightforward as possible. A good ERP solution provider will have a wealth of experience and will be able to guide companies through the implementation process, providing support and expertise every step of the way.

To ensure a successful implementation, the organisation needs to carefully define its requirements, determine how to redesign processes to take advantage of the system, configure the ERP system to support those processes and rigorously test it before deploying it to users.

AccoSuite as an official NetSuite solution provider supports your business by fully understanding your business goals and applying deep industry knowledge throughout the entire implementation process.

Myth 4: ERP Systems are Inflexible

Many companies believe that ERP systems are inflexible and can't be customised to meet their unique needs. However, the reality is that most ERP systems are highly flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of each company.

NetSuite allows you to customise your instance, integrate third-party applications, or develop new solutions when necessary. Plus, all customisations carry forward (read: don't break) with the platform's bi-annual automatic updates. Plus, NetSuite scales with you as your business grows — without the pains and costs of investing in new hardware and servers.

Myth 5: ERP Implementation Requires a Complete Overhaul of Existing Processes

Some companies believe that ERP implementation requires a complete overhaul of existing processes. However, while ERP systems can help streamline and optimise processes, they can also work within the existing framework of a company. ERP systems collect and organise key business information and help organisations run lean, efficient operations, even as they expand, that translates to cost savings and better productivity.

Myth 6: ERP Systems are Only Suitable for Large Companies

Another common myth is that ERP systems are only suitable for large companies. While it's true that large companies often have more complex operations and may benefit more from ERP systems, small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit from ERP implementation.

NetSuite can be configured to support any business — NetSuite provides cloud ERP solutions for every size company, across every industry, in every part of the world and is designed to grow with your business.

Myth 7: ERP Systems are Only for Manufacturing Companies

ERP systems are often associated with manufacturing companies, but the reality is that ERP systems can benefit companies across every industry, such as Software, Services, Advertising and Digital Marketing, Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution, Retail, Energy, Transportation and Logistics, Media and Publishing.

NetSuite ERP systems unify critical business functions like finance, manufacturing, inventory and order management, customer communication, sales and marketing, project management and e-commerce. One major feature is detailed analytics and reporting on each department.

Myth 8: ERP Implementation is a One-Time Process

Finally, some companies believe that ERP implementation is a one-time process. However, ERP systems are constantly evolving, and companies should strive to keep their systems up-to-date in order to ensure that they are taking full advantage of all the benefits ERP has to offer.

NetSuite is a complete suite to support a growing business, all built on the NetSuite cloud platform and continually updated with leading-edge capabilities to support a wide range of industries. Solutions that deliver a unique set of processes and functionality specially designed to help organisations grow, scale and adapt to change.

In conclusion, ERP implementation is a powerful tool for companies looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. By debunking these common myths, companies can better understand the process and make informed decisions about whether ERP implementation is right for them.

If you wish your company to be more competitive, have improved business processes, have an easy way to identify and meet your customer demands, reach out to AccoSuite consultants to support you during digitalisation journey!

You can contact us via e-mail hello@accosuite.com or call us + 372 660 3018
or read more about NetSuite benefits from our webpage https://accosuite.com/netsuite/netsuite-functionality